Family Support Services

Supporting Families
Families caring for individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities at home may need additional help from time to time to handle particular challenges.
Services may be needed to assist with everyday issues or special needs that arise on a crisis basis, such as when a caregiver is ill.
DDI offers a variety of Family Support Services for families with young children as well as those with adult children. Services such as respite, after-school programs, and consultative services provide assistance so that families can work through challenging situations and stay together.
Adult Respite Programs
DDI offers evening and weekend center-based Respite Services in Holbrook to adults with a developmental disability. These services offer recreational opportunities with peers for individuals who live with their families while providing a break in caregiving for their family members.
Hours of service delivery are 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM, Monday through Friday and
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Saturday and Sunday.
Transportation is provided as part of this service.
DDI recently began a special recreational respite service that takes place one Saturday or Sunday per month. Each month, the activities focus on a different theme. This program operates in various DDI locations in order to provide opportunities for individuals in a larger geographic area.
Hours of service delivery are 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM, Saturday or Sunday (1x/month).
Transportation is not included as part of this respite service.
Respite Athletics Academy
The Athletics Academy is an instructional and competitive sports academy where participants can learn the fundamentals of a sport and compete against their peers. Each sporting season culminates with an end-of-season party and the crowning of the champions.
This endeavor will provide fun and enjoyment for the program participants as well as provide much-needed respite to their families.
Hours of service delivery are 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at our Smithtown Campus.
Family Behavior Support Program
This program provides short-term behavioral consultation to families who have a child with developmental disabilities who resides at home and exhibits serious challenging behaviors.
These may be individuals whose residential status at home may be at risk or whose challenging behaviors are causing family stress, compromising the family's quality of life, or inhibiting successful community inclusion.
For more information, please contact:
Marina Melillo, BCBA, Psychology Coordinator
(631) 360-4656