Student and teacher at SMART Board

Vocational Services

Man holding his paycheck

Employment Opportunities


DDI offers a wide array of employment, work exposure, and training opportunities for the individuals we support. They include Intensive Supported Employment Services, Extended Supported Employment, and Pre-Vocational Services.


Pre-Vocational Services


These services are funded and certified by the New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). These services are provided in a variety of day program locations as well as within the surrounding communities.


Individuals are given opportunities to explore the world of work with hands-on training and participation in job clubs to develop skills that will be helpful in pursuing competitive employment goals.


Internships and paid opportunities include libraries, parks, Island Harvest pick-up and delivery, and job postings and mailings.


Hours of service delivery are 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, Monday through Friday.


Supported Employment

This program is funded by OPWDD and Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES - VR). Staff work with individuals who have identified work as a valued outcome.

The support team is involved in assisting the individual with transportation arrangements and hours of employment to adjustment of daily routines to maximize their potential for success. Job opportunities in a chosen field of work are identified.

Training and support are provided throughout initial job identification, application, and interview phases of employment.

Once employment is obtained, on-site job coaching is provided to train individuals in every aspect of job performance. As the new worker gains mastery, job coaching is gradually withdrawn. The program's standards provide specific milestones to mark progress towards independence.

After an individual achieves mastery, rehabilitative ongoing supports are provided through our Extended Supportive Employment Program.

Days and hours of service delivery are dependent upon the individuals’ work schedules.

For more information, please contact:


James Woolsey, Intake Specialist

(631) 870-6026