Commitment to Research

Commitment to Research
Over the years DDI has distinguished itself as a provider of unmatched evidence-based supports and services. To this end, DDI recognizes the importance of empirical research that will develop resources to impact the people it serves positively. DDI values being a site for scientific activity and encourage the submission of proposals for applied research projects.
Research may be defined as the systematic investigation of a specific problem, concern, or issue using the scientific method; and which is intended to add to a generalizable body of knowledge. DDI has established a Research Review Committee (RRC) to govern the practice of research at DDI. Projects may be proposed by DDI staff and qualified professionals from outside agencies and academic institutions. In every case, the investigators will be accountable to DDI according to the procedures set forth below. All projects must be consistent with DDI’s core values and mission statement.
The foundation of the policies and procedures for DDI’s RRC are guided by the three basic principles that govern the protection of human research subjects as put forth in The Belmont Report (1979). These are:
Respect for Persons - Recognition of the personal dignity and autonomy of potential research participants and special protections of those persons with diminished autonomy.
Beneficence - Obligation to protect persons from harm by maximizing anticipated benefits and minimizing possible risks of harm.
Justice – Ensuring the fair distribution of costs and benefits to potential research participants.
Note: Refer to the following citation to review the complete Belmont Report,
Responsibilities of the Research Review Committee
In accordance with the Belmont Report, the primary purpose of the RRC is to protect the welfare and rights of people who participate in research at DDI. Research participants are individuals served by, or in some way connected to DDI, including family and staff.
The RRC also serves as a resource to the DDI community for mentorship and training pertaining to research in general, and for ongoing support and advice on issues that arise during the conduct of research.
To these ends, the RRC is charged with:
- Developing procedures that protect research participants’ privacy, safety, and rights.
- Reviewing research proposals and related materials (e.g., informed consent documents and recruitment materials).
- Determining the appropriateness, and ensuring the presence of required safeguards for research proposals for DDI, and then approving or disapproving proposals.
- Serving as a liaison to the researcher throughout the research process for ongoing questions and/or support with the administration of the research.
- Encouraging and providing assistance in the dissemination of results.