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3rd Annual Cornhole Tournament Fundraiser
Time: 1 PM – 5 PM
Location: The Great South Bay Brewery, 25 Drexel Drive, Bay Shore, NY
SAVE THE DATE: DDI's 25th Annual Golf Classic
Time: 11 AM – 12 PM
Location: The Muttontown Club, 5933 Northern Blvd., East Norwich, NY
Why DDI?
Robert's team goes above and beyond the call of duty.
The classroom teacher, behavior specialist and the teaching assistants in his classroom have been nothing short of amazing. They are so wonderful in communicating with us and they share in the joys and excitement we have regarding our son's accomplishments.
~Siobhan Domingo, Early Childhood Parent
~Siobhan Domingo, Early Childhood Parent
Just one day after Jack's birthday I wrote a note to the classroom staff.
It read, “Jack has come such a long way. He is talking in sentences, and I can now say that Jack is verbal. It is the best feeling in the world to hear his voice.”
~Erika Nordin
~Erika Nordin
I always knew that Children's Day Program (CDP) was, and is, the best school for children with autism.
I am very proud to work for this agency!
~Andrea Vultaggio, parent and staff member
~Andrea Vultaggio, parent and staff member
My son is graduating from Stony Brook University this month Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor's degree in music.
All of you at DDI contributed to my son's success and I cannot thank you enough. He will be moving into New York City in the fall to attend graduate school. Thank you, DDI!
~Mrs. D
~Mrs. D