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Other Giving Options

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Cash Donations


Cash donations are fully tax-deductible, up to 50% of your adjusted gross income, and are acceptable (in any form). In addition, DDI offers donors the opportunity to make recurring gifts throughout the year using credit or debit cards. 


Matching Gifts


Many companies offer matching gift programs to encourage employees to contribute to charitable organizations and match contributions dollar for dollar. Some will even double or triple the amount of your gift! Please ask your employer if they offer this program.


Gifts of Appreciated Stock


DDI accepts both publicly traded securities and closely held securities. Donated stocks, held for more than one year, may offer you substantial tax savings because by donating stock rather than selling it, you avoid capital gains tax.


Your gift of such stock is fully tax-deductible, up to 30% of your adjusted gross income, with the deduction based on the average high and low quoted trading price of the stock on the day control is transferred to DDI. Gifts in excess of 30% may be carried over the succeeding five years.


Gifts of Real Estate


Such gifts may include developed or undeveloped property and may offer you substantial tax savings. As with Appreciated Stock, if the property has increased in value since you purchased it, you avoid capital gains tax by donating the property rather than selling it.  


Please note, DDI reserves the right to reject a donation of real estate if there are environmental or other concerns associated with the property.

Wills and Bequests


These options allow you to ensure your charitable support of DDI will continue. Bequests are fully tax-deductible for federal estate tax purposes and may be deductible on your state estate taxes as well. 


Life Insurance Policies


You can name DDI as the beneficiary and irrevocable owner of a given policy.  Such gifts to DDI are valued at their interpolated terminal reserve value or cash surrender value at the time they are received – and any additional premium payments you make will be recorded by DDI as a gift in the years they are made.


An IRA, 401(k), or 403(b) are other plans you can assign DDI as the beneficiary.


If you would like further information about making a contribution to DDI, please contact:


Susan Bruder

(631) 366-5812

[email protected]