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Early Education 0-5 Years » School-Based


Girls on playground

School-Based Learning Opportunities


The Early Childhood Learning Centers in Huntington, Medford, and Ronkonkoma offer a variety of preschool classes. We achieve a remarkable 88% placement rate of students into their home school district by kindergarten. 


All education programs utilize the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis. Children receiving Early Childhood services at all DDI Early Childhood Learning Centers will have access to a continuum of services from the least restrictive to most restrictive in order to meet each child’s unique needs. Services provided will be evidence-based, best practice and consistent across all sites.


Preschool classes provide a stimulating, educational atmosphere where three- to five-year-old children develop friendships and skills in preparation for kindergarten.


The Early Childhood Learning Centers Offer:

  • Full-day specialized programs for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Half-day and full-day integrated classes
  • Full-day self-contained classes
  • Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Parent Training and Social Skills Training
  • Head Start (a federally funded comprehensive early childhood educational program serving income-eligible families)
For eligibility criteria at our Huntington, Medford or Ronkonkoma Campus, visit Long Island Head Start

For more information regarding the Early Childhood Learning Centers, please contact:


Intake Specialist

(631) 580-4050