Board Member, Bromme Hampton Cole
Bromme Hampton Cole is a businessman and nonprofit Chief Executive who thrives at the nexus of missions, business and health. His calling is to build, rationalize and scale services to vulnerable populations. He believes creating opportunities for the underserved entails more than charitable means providing respectable jobs for the disabled, supplying access to quality doctors and hiring dedicated teachers.
Further, he firmly maintains that meaningful employment, good public health and excellent education must be available to everyone, especially those at risk. No child, man or woman should suffer chronic unemployment, curable illnesses or settle for mediocre schooling when better is within our reach. Bromme enters into all his daily responsibilities, professional or personal, telling everyone he meets, "How we treat the underserved, the poor, the homeless and those with unique needs is the measure of our humanity."
Bromme Hampton Cole was most recently the CEO of Sound Start, New Jersey’s oldest program for children with hearing impairment or born deaf. He is the author of numerous articles on nonprofit management and two books on modern ageing in China.