Young man spraying flowers with water

Board Member, Pamela Frank

Pam Frank, Board Member
Pamela Frank joined the Board of Directors in January 2015 as the representative of the DDI Parent’s Association, for which she serves as Co-President. Pamela is the mother of two children currently served by DDI, a daughter in the Adult Day Program and a son in the Children’s Day and Children’s Residential Programs. 

Pamela has been an active parent at DDI since 1999, when her daughter first began attending DDI’s Starting Early preschool program in Huntington, now known as Eary Childhood Services. She was a member of the Young Autism Program Charitable Foundation’s Board of Directors for two years when her children attended that program. Both the Starting Early Program and the Young Autism Program are now referred to as DDI’s Early Childhood Services Program. Pamela has been self-employed for 34 years, running various enterprises with her husband and partner.