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Celebrating Pride Month: Meet Qinyonie!

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A DDI family member for almost seven years, Qinyonie is currently the Program Manager for one of our children’s residences. “My favorite part about working at DDI is that I am doing the best that I can to make the children happy each and every day,” said Qinyonie.

Pride Month to Qinyonie is honestly just another month. She knows the history due to the Stonewall riots and that the month is important for recognizing what the LGBTQ+ community has been through. She believes it is important to celebrate the Stonewall riots because it was a really big turning point in LGBTQ+ history.

“I just believe that the LGBTQ+ community still goes through different things in life, still to this day. The United States still has a long way to welcoming the LGBTQ+ community and letting people live their lives the way they want,” said Qinyonie.

At a young age, she had to overcome the obstacles of making people uncomfortable. “Some people are very uncomfortable with the way I live my life and choose to dress, and I get a lot of stares from people,” said Qinyonie. She has learned not to care what people think about her and is herself wherever she is. “I will never alter myself to make someone else feel comfortable.”

Qinyonie is proud that she is living her truth. She is proud that she is the person she wants to be and not hiding who she is, even if it makes some people uncomfortable.

In order to raise awareness this Pride Month regarding important issues that impact the global LGBTQ+ community, Qinyonie feels we can have a conversation that focuses more about people being different.

She also shared that an important way to raise awareness is by allowing people to live and be free however they want to as long as they are not hurting anyone. This will impact the whole LGBTQ+ community because everyone will feel safe to be whoever they want to be.

Qinyonie, we are grateful for your commitment to the children and families you support and thank you for your open and honest insight.