The American Flag

Photo Album

Great South Bay Brewery - Event space
Cornhole boards - setup before the Tournament
Great South Bay Brewery - Event space - Golf simulators
Great South Bay Brewery - Event space - Buffet
Raffle prizes at check-in
Great South Bay Brewery - Event space
Akiva VR room - Participant trying our VR headset
Cornhole Association host announcing start of event
Cornhole Association host announcing teams
Great South Bay Brewery - Event Space - Game play space
Cornhole board with bean bags
Cornhole scorecard and game play board
2 participants playing cornhole
2 participants playing cornhole as family cheers on
2 participants playing cornhole
2 participants playing cornhole
Participant throwing bean bag
2 participants playing cornhole
Great South Bay Brewery - Event Space - Birds eye view of Tournament
Participant throwing bean bag
2 participants playing cornhole
Participant throwing bean bag while another smiles
DDI Executive Team Smiling for a photo in front of Tournament
DDI families smiling for a photo at Cornhole Tournament
DDI families smiling for a photo at Cornhole Tournament
DDI Board Member closing out Tournament with Cornhole Association host
1st Place Team Amallabieta A Bracket - Winners of Cornhole Tournament posing with Cornhole Association hosts
2nd Place 33.3 A Bracket - Winners of Cornhole Tournament posing with cornhole board
13rd Place Caped Crusaders B Bracket - Winners of Cornhole Tournament posing with Cornhole Association hosts
3rd Place Caped Crusaders B Bracket - Winners of Cornhole Tournament posing with cornhole board
2nd Place 33.3 A Bracket - Winners of Cornhole Tournament posing with Cornhole Association hosts
1st Place Team Amallabieta A Bracket - Winners of Cornhole Tournament posing with cornhole board