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The Jack Fanning Memorial Foundation Provides Life Skills & Vocational Training

The Impact of Your Kindness Week 2: Life Skills & Vocational Training. Page 1: Image of the DDI Vocational Lab. Page 2: Image of a student vacuuming and image of a student checking out at the cash register at the lab grocery store. Page 3: Image of a student wiping the lab countertops and image of a student organizing food at the lab grocery store.

At DDI's Transition Education Employment Model (TEEM) Lab located at the Smithtown Children’s Day Program (CDP), over 100 students, ages 11 to 21, have access to a range of life skills and vocational training every day. Whether packing for a weekend trip home, baking holiday cookies, hanging freshly laundered clothes in a closet, stocking store shelves, or picking out their favorite fruits at a mock grocery, the Lab offers a variety of activities to support skill development.


This unique learning environment was made possible by The Jack Fanning Memorial Foundation. This fall, DDI was honored and humbled to receive the Lisa Hart Award from the Foundation. The Award was given in memory of Lisa Hart, a board member and beloved friend to the Foundation for over 20 years. Through the loyal support of the Jack Fanning Memorial Foundation, in 2022, DDI established the life skills TEEM Lab that includes a working kitchen, washer, dryer, and bedroom setting. The 2023 grant expanded the Lab to include a functioning grocery store enabling students to learn vocational skills that will help them gain employment opportunities.


“For some individuals with autism, practice and repetition are key to skill acquisition. In addition to evidence-based teaching, the simulated environments provide naturalistic learning opportunities, enhancing the connection and generalization of critical skills to the home and community settings, shares Rana Babury, Project Coordinator Liaison at the CDP.


“While the Lab is part of our children’s school program, it looks and functions nothing like a classroom. And the students and staff love it! It’s an exploratory hands-on learning environment. In this bright and open space, students are allowed to select and complete tasks that interest them on that particular day, states Tara Fisher, CDP Transition Specialist.


Research indicates that more than 50% of young adults with autism and developmental disabilities have limited vocational activities and social connections. The TEEM Lab is an effective solution that improves their overall well-being and quality of life. This program not only fosters confidence and social connections but also builds necessary skills to increase their independence and employment opportunities.